• Moving Blues- The Adventuring Millennial
    Lifestyle,  Moving

    Moving Mondays: The One Thing I Didn’t Prepare For

    Planning is my middle name. Ok not, really. But my middle name does start with “p” so close enough, right? Anyways, I am a chronic planner. Seriously I love lists, schedules, and itineraries. So when I started preparing for my first move, I was practically bursting with excitement. There was SO MUCH to plan. And I threw myself into the process. I organized a garage sale, scheduled my move-out date, and planned my moving road-trip. The entire moving process was a huge distraction. From the moment I knew I was moving until I arrived at my new apartment, I was consumed in the process. And even after arriving I was distracted for…

  • Moving Mondays: What it's Like to Make 2 Cross Country Moves in a Year
    Lifestyle,  Moving

    Moving Mondays: What it’s Like to Make 2 Cross Country Moves in a Year

    3 different addresses in 10 months. Phew! Let me tell you, it’s been a whirlwind. Cross country moves are no joke. I’ve been thinking a lot about sharing my cross country moving stories with you guys. Honestly, it’s a huge part of my life. It is one of the major reasons I started this blog. The moves have shaped who I am as a person, opened me up to so many new opportunities, and have allowed me to see new parts of the world. BUT (and let me tell you- this is a big but) the moves have also been extremely challenging, stressful, anxiety-inducing, scary, and down-right awful at times. And…